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  1. 【無錫市翻譯協會】34年翻譯經驗/專業級翻譯服務【無錫市翻譯協會】34年翻譯經驗/專業級翻譯服務

    客服熱線:88882888, 13906192326

    首 頁»翻譯園地»實用技巧


    瀏覽: 3346發布: 2012-08-30

    會 徽 說 明



    The emblem resembles a person doing "taiji" (Tai Ch'I), symbolizing gracefulness, harmony, vitality and mobility as well as unity, cooperation, exchange and development. It also resembles the shape of a traditional Chinese artifact known as the "China Heart Unit." The logo was designed by Chen Shaohua, a noted designer in Shenzhen and one of the 13 official emblem designers appointed by BOBICO, and well-known painter Han Meilin, who modified the design by using a calligraphy brush. Kan Tai-Keung, a famous designer in Hong Kong, also contributed to the designing of the emblem.

    口 號 說 明

    有三千余年建城史的北京,經過改革開放的洗禮,將以嶄新的、多姿多彩的面貌進入新世紀,她將以飽滿的熱情歡迎全世界的體育健兒和各界朋友,共同參與奧運盛會。 歷經百年滄桑的現代奧林匹克運動會,在擁有世界人口1/5的中國舉辦,將使奧林匹克精神得到更廣泛的傳播,翻開奧林匹克運動的嶄新一頁。同時,進入新世紀的奧林匹克運動也將以全新的面貌向世界人民展示其特有的魅力。


    New Beijing, Great Olympics

    Reform and opening up to the outside world have brought about great changes in Beijing, a city with a 3,000-year history. The city has taken on a completely new look as it enters the new century. It will embrace the athletes and friends from the rest of the world attending the Olympic Games with great enthusiasm.

    The great modern Olympic Movement has gone through many changes in the past 100 years. Should the Olympic Games be held in China, the most populous nation in the world, the Olympic spirit will be even further disseminated and a new page will be turned in the Olympic history; and the Olympic Movement will show its unique splendor to the world in the new millennium.


    88882888, 13906192326
